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For Assume Pre Selling House & Lot in Panabo (OLD PRICE)

For Assume House and Lot in La Eldaria Panabo for as low as 6,500 k / month only and 4,900 / month for Pag-ibig financing…

Corazon Model House:

  • Assume Amount: 50,000 only until November 2020.
  • Remaining Months to pay : 13 months at 6,500/ month.
  • You SAVE 60k compared to the new price…
  • 2 Bedrooms, 1 Toilet & Bath
  • Lot Area: 50 sq.m, Floor Area: 32 sq.m.
  • Location: Brgy Quezon, Panabo City.
  • 6 minutes away from Rivera Hospital.
  • Along the road subdivision.
  • Near to Brgy Hall, Gym and Center.
  • Across Secondary School.

Actual House Once Done:



Assume this now and Save!!! 

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